Because it is so simple, we let it fall away and instead pursue a multitude of random paths…
Trump is a middle school bully, and Elon is his stand by me ally; both on the spectrum and both so entitled that they cannot see the difference between mine and theirs.
After a cancer diagnosis is determined, its as if a wave comes in and I’m tumbling around under water, desperately looking for sunlight to swim up to… it is not until I have a plan of attack that I come up for air. I think some people drown in that turbulence, it can be suffocating. An active plan of attack one can get behind brings the light, and then hope simply follows.
This guide illuminates essential habits that, when incorporated into your daily routine, pave the way for a life brimming with vitality, connection, and joy.
Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You don’t need the latest gym membership, trendy kitchen gadgets, or designer health foods to stay fit and well. With these strategic tips…
Come join us to make your own “COCONUT HERBAL CANDLE” for our ‘Around the Sun with Herbalism’ workshop in December. You will enjoy creating this from the ethically sourced, organic coconut oil, herbs, flowers & essential oils, I will provide ($25 includes all materials).
Wine & cheese can be purchased from my awesome neighbor, Tahoe Wine Collective.
SPACE IS LIMITED… please reserve your seat at the table. TAHOEBOHO.COM
As the weather starts to turn, and we look to spending a bit more time in our homes during the coming months, you can look forward to an herbal soak full of minerals & phytonutrients to both sooth & nourish your body & soul.
Come join us to make your own “LINEN SPRAY” for the ‘Around the Sun with Herbalism’ workshop in October. As the weather starts to turn, and we look to spending a bit more time in our homes during the coming months, you can create your homes' personal scent in a bottle.
Come join us to make your own “SMUDGE STICK” for our ‘Around the Sun with Herbalism’ workshop in September. Whether you want to the negativity from your house, car or your own aura… you will enjoy creating this bundle from the ethically sourced, organic herbs & flowers I will provide; and we will also be decorating your wafting feather (to direct the smoke in the appropriate directions;-).
As life becomes busier (and more stressful), it can become difficult to manage your time wisely. Moreover, we can often put ourselves last when we have more pressing things to tend to.
Come join us to make your own “AGUA DE FLORES” for our ‘Around the Sun with Herbalism’ workshop in August. We will be creating our own version of the classic Lanman & Murray commercial version made since the 19th century. You can spritz your room, sheets or body to cool off in the heat, and add to your bath with fresh flower petals.
If life is an echo, then maybe the key is to be intentional about what we send out, knowing it will return in some form.